I’m a mum not a maid

What is the role of the stay at home parent? Is it to nurture and care for our children or is the unspoken expectation that your role is to do it all?
In this post I discuss the difference between what we expect from a paid childcare provider and what we expect from stay at home mums (or fathers) and whether society needs to rethink how it values the role of parents at home.

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Parental inequality, Damaging mum labels and the devaluation of fatherhood

If you are a mum, you are very quickly put into a box. You are either a “working mum” or a “stay at home mum”. Because in society we love to label a mum. Where are all the “working dads” at?
In this post I unpack some of the problems with labelling mums, parental inequality and the devaluation of fathers, and how in order for women to truly be able to “have it all” something needs to shift.

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Boys with long hair

Why is it still such a big deal for boys to have long hair? Any parent with a son with long hair will have experienced the constant mistaking of their child’s gender, comments from others or pressure to cut their hair. And when your child goes off to school they face rejection by peers purely because their hair is different and “for girls.”
We must move towards a space where both boys and girls are not held into nonsensical constraints and norms.

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