Boys with long hair

Why is it still such a big deal for boys to have long hair? Any parent with a son with long hair will have experienced the constant mistaking of their child’s gender, comments from others or pressure to cut their hair. And when your child goes off to school they face rejection by peers purely because their hair is different and “for girls.”
We must move towards a space where both boys and girls are not held into nonsensical constraints and norms.

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Easy ways you can reduce waste and single use plastics

With so many alternatives on the market and more awareness of the impact of single use plastics on our planet, we are all trying to find ways we can incorporate more eco friendly practices into our homes. But it doesn’t have to mean major lifestyle changes.
In this post I outline some swaps you can make in your life from the very easy through to the more committed, to significantly reduce single use plastics in your home.

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