Out of ideas for what to do with the kids? Need some quick inspiration for ideas that are free and can be done with stuff around the house?
I’ve popped some ideas together in one place for easy reference for those days when you need something quick.
For more ideas and inspo visit my instagram page and give me a follow www.instagram.com/mummageddon
Activity Mum Fails for under 4’s
We do a lot of activities with the kids, some things go better than anticipated and others turn out to be total fails.
In this post I discuss some new additions to add to my ‘Beware: May cause Fury’ activities list.
Maybe you share my pain or maybe your little one is ace at these or maybe you are just more patient than me!
Easy ways you can reduce waste and single use plastics
With so many alternatives on the market and more awareness of the impact of single use plastics on our planet, we are all trying to find ways we can incorporate more eco friendly practices into our homes. But it doesn’t have to mean major lifestyle changes.
In this post I outline some swaps you can make in your life from the very easy through to the more committed, to significantly reduce single use plastics in your home.
Motherhood & Feminism: Quitting Your Job to be a ‘Stay at home Mum’
I wanted to have a family, a career and to be financially independent.
By putting my career on hold to look after my children am I reinforcing the stereotype of the mother and not furthering the pursuit for women’s equality in the workplace following childbirth?
By not working am I dependent on my male counterpart and not sending the right message to my children about women’s roles?
Feminism is about empowering women to make informed choices about their own lives but as a ‘stay at home mum’ I feel most judged and unsupported by other women and mums.
Parenting Fantasy Vs Reality Part 4: Activities & Outings with kids
Parenting is one big fantasy Vs reality! Baking cakes together descends into kitchen nightmares and trips out end in tantrums and turmoil. Here I look at the idealised ideas we have about activities with little ones, and their often contrasting stark realities.